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Tiana Gaudette

Tiana  Gaudette
  • PhD Candidate
  • School of Criminal Justice
  • MA 2019, Simon Fraser University
  • BA 2016, Simon Fraser University
  • 134 Baker Hall
  • 655 Auditorium Rd.
  • East Lansing, MI 48824
  • (517) 355-6653


Curriculum Vitae

Google Scholar

International CyberCrime Research Centre


Tiana Gaudette is a Ph.D. candidate in the School of Criminal Justice at Michigan State University and a Research Associate at the International CyberCrime Research Centre at Simon Fraser University. She assists Dr. Steven Chermak and Dr. Jeremy Wilson on funded research projects related to school violence, brand protection, and police staffing. Her work has been published in Crime & Delinquency, New Media & Society, Terrorism and Political Violence, as well as in several edited book collections. Tiana received her Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Criminology from Simon Fraser University.

Research Interests

  • Targeted violence
  • School shootings
  • Violent extremism
  • Domestic terrorism

Selected Publications

Gaudette, T., Petrie, E., Chermak, S., & Freilich, J. Media Coverage of School Shootings: A Distortion Analysis of Incident and Perpetrator Characteristics. (2023). Crime & Delinquency.

Gaudette, T., Scrivens, R., & Venkatesh, V. Disengaged but Still Radical? Pathways Out of Violent Right-Wing Extremism. (2022). Terrorism and Political Violence.

Scrivens, R., Davies, G., Gaudette, T., & Frank, R. Comparing Online Posting Typologies among Violent and NonViolent Right-Wing Extremists. (2022). Studies in Conflict & Terrorism.

Gaudette, T., Davies, G., & Scrivens, R. Criminological Perspectives on the Toronto 18. (2021). Manitoba Law Journal.

Gaudette, T., Scrivens, R., Davies, G., & Frank, R. Upvoting extremism: Collective identity formation and the extreme right on Reddit. (2020). New Media & Society.

Gaudette, T., Scrivens, R., & Venkatesh, V. The Role of the Internet in Facilitating Violent Extremism: Insights from Former Right-Wing Extremists. (2020). Terrorism and Political Violence.

Scrivens, R., Venkatesh, V., Bérubé, M., & Gaudette, T. Combating Violent Extremism: Voices of Former Right-Wing Extremists. (2019). Studies in Conflict & Terrorism.